3 Dance melodies for the virginal, from the Kájoni Codex, Vietórisz Codex, the Stark virginal book of Sopron and the Lőcse collection in tablature notation (1630–1690)

a) “Chorea” (from the Kájoni Codex)

{129.} b) “Dance of the Nyír region” (from the same)

c) “Dance of Kelemen Mikes” (from the same)

d) “Dance of Lázár Apor” (from the same)

Rumanian folk dance melody (“batuta”) from Bartók’s Bihar County collection

e) Dance piece (from the Vietórisz Codex)

{130.} f) “Polish dance” (from the same)

g) Dance piece (from the same)

h) “Fur hat dance” (from the same)

i) Dance piece (from the same)

j) “Hungarian dance” (from the same)

{131.} k) Dance piece (from the same)

Hungarian folk song from Bartók’s Transdanubian collection

l) “Hungarian dance of the Prince of Transylvania” (from the Stark virginal book, 1689)

m) “Hungarian dance” (from the same)

Hungarian folk song from Bartók’s Transdanubian collection

{132-135.} n) “Hungarian dance” (from the same)

o) “Hungarian dance” (from the same)

p) Series of dances from the Lőcse collection in tablature notation

q) Dance from the Zuszsanna Lányi manuscript (1729)

Folk song from Kodály’s Upper Hungary collection

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